Extreme Precipitation Forecast at Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Time Scale
This study is to demonstrate the potential to improve extreme cool-season precipitation forecasts in the Arabian Peninsula (AP) at sub-seasonal time scales.

Improving Precipitation Estimation in the Gridded Meteorological Ensemble Tool
We expanded the spatial regression capability within the Gridded Ensemble Meteorological Tool (GMET) by including daily surface precipitation and temperature forecasts from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) numerical weather prediction model as additional predictors.

Improving Southwest Mountain Snowfall through a Neural Network
Current study is testing multiple machine learning methods for dynamic SLR prediction for the Sky Islands region.

Operational Power Forecasting
The University of Arizona Power Forecasting Group (PGF) creates high-resolution weather and power forecasts for electric utility companies in the Southwest, serving 2.7 GW of renewable energy power production daily.

Short-Term Extreme Weather Forecasting in South America
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is used at a convective-permitting resolution for ensemble-based, short-range forecasts for convective extremes in Chile.

VIP student undergraduate study: A Forecast Evaluation of the North American Summer Monsoon Precipitation in 2021
This study is to evaluate the ability of the University of Arizona’s Weather Research and Forecasting Model (UA-WRF) to forecast precipitation during the North American Monsoon (NAM) season over Arizona.